...death- the undiscoverd
country, from whose bourne No traveler returns... Shakespeare
THE FINAL FRONTIER is the overall title
of a collection of a series investigating, in a visually acute
and sometimes humorous manner, mortality.
Nevertheless, people today, especially
in Western nations, are out of touch with the process of death
and dying. Indeed, death in the 20th and 21st centuries is treated
much as sex was in the 19th century - avoided in speech or spoken
of in euphemisms, hidden, codified, and protected with rituals
and taboos.
The first series in THE FINAL FRONTIER
- LATE - is a group of small carved wooden coffins, highly painted
and decorated, to commemorate some favorite illustrious people
from the past.
The next six works in THE FINAL FRONTIER
are mixed media wall pieces, which continue the exploration of
cultural artifacts and history of death customs.